My experience in commercial free TV using Windows Media Center, MCEBuddy and Comskip.
This is an add on to my first post here.
Not to much has changed except for my comskip.ini.
I purchased the software so the author routinely updates the build which has been awesome.
I also purchased MCEBuddy as it to is routinely updated.
What I've learned besides Windows Media Center being a dieing service. Not available in Win10. Those that use it in Win8.1, hold on to it and do not upgrade to Win10. Patching for Win8.1 will continue until 2023. Maybe by then there will be another alternative with the ability to record encrypted channels.
I've modified the comskip.ini and have learned that only subtle changes are necessary to get positive results on your commercial free viewing.
I've posted my updated comskip.ini files to my public gdrive. The GENERAL is the one I use for most shows. Of the ones posted I have found subtle changes were necessary.
Let me run down what I've learned and maybe this will help you create your own. I found it easier to take all of the available options and list them in the configuration file versus using the default comskip.ini that comes with the program. I will only cover items that I change. If they are not posted in my modifications I do not change them at all.
;[Main Settings]
The detection methods of comskip are:
1=black frame
4=scene change
8=fuzzy logic
16=closed captions
32=aspect ration
I have found that 43 (32+8+2+1=43) seems to be great for most shows. The only additional one I will using with certain shows is scene change #4. Depending on the network and how they transition from commercial to show this can be useful but I've only found it useful on some.
Example: A&EHD Channel 47 works better to remove commercials from Donnie Loves Jennie (Wife is a fan).
verbose=0 ; ******* 10 for testing *******
I only use 10 if I'm testing.
min_show_segment_length=250 ; default 250 Any block larger then this in seconds is
Sometimes in shorter 30min shows 126 has worked better.
Example: CBS Mike & Molly
punish_no_logo=1 ; default 1 do not modify the score of a block because it has no logo
The Mike & Molly show is another example where punish_no_logo has been important to turn off. 0=off 1=On I've learned CBS' logo seems to go in and out, even during the show, making logo detection difficult for the purpose of commercial detection.
***Sometime combinations between these modification have also worked out better.***
All others are based on testing and marked.
So bottom line use the comskip_GENERAL.ini first in testing. If it works just use that. If not fine tune based on the 3 options above or combinations of the 3.
Should you need specific help with a show see the forum.